Regular and punctual attendance is of paramount importance in ensuring that all children have full access to the curriculum and get the best possible start in life. Good attendance supports learning, the development of social skills and friendships, as well as building good habits that are essential for adult life.
UK Government Research demonstrates the strong link between regular attendance and educational progress and attainment. At Danehill CEP School, we aim to work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that all children have full and equal access to all that the school has to offer.
Children should be at school, on time, every day that the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.
How to support good school attendance:
• Take trips during school holidays rather than term time.
• Arrive at school so your child is in class and ready to learn on time.
• Establish good routines, such as mealtime and bedtimes. • Don’t allow your child to stay off school for a minor ailment. • Understand the reasons for absence as this can help you understand where your child needs support in overcoming barriers to attending school.
• If appointments are needed for health reasons, try to make them during after school hours or out of term time.
• Take an interest in your child's learning.
• Attend parents’ evenings to discuss your child’s progress.
Useful links:
Withdrawal from Learning form
NHS Is My Child Too Ill for School?
East Sussex Schools attendance-behaviour
Danehill CEP Attendance-Policy.pdf
How to Report Absence
- Parents are requested to contact the school office on the first morning of absence by before 9.15 a.m.
- Messages must include the specific reason for the absence, sick or unwell is insufficient. As a school we are required to monitor sickness and this can be used to inform the advice we give to parents.
- Contact the office on the each day of absence and give an expected date of return. In the case of a prolonged absence, parents are required to update the school every forty-eight hours until your child returns to school.
- To reduce the risk of cross-infection, parents are asked to keep their children home for 48 hours after diarrhoea or sickness. Follow the NHS guidance for when your child is too ill for school.
If no message has been received, the school will contact parents to establish the reason for absence.